Dogs are adventurous animals that love exploring their environment. However, their excitement can make them run into traffic, go to unfamiliar neighborhoods or encounter unfriendly strangers. As a result, loving dog owners have spent centuries trying to develop...
Halo Collar 3: The Future of Wireless Dog Fencing
Dog owners want better control and insight over their pets' lives, so over the years, many have used electric fencing for dogs to keep their pups within the home area. In addition to electric fences, pet owners also use CCTV cameras and microchips to keep track of...
The Benefits of Agility Training for Dogs
As a dog lover, you've probably wondered what could make agility training engaging to your pet. Does it keep all canines mentally and physically challenged, or is it only effective with certain breeds? Acclaimed dog trainer Cesar Millan has inspired pet parents around...
Training Made Simple: The Easiest Dog Breeds to Train
Getting a new dog is exciting, but the idea of obedience training may be less appealing. Dogs learn differently than humans, and not every pup comprehends tricks and commands quickly. Choosing an easy-to-train dog breed can make the process much simpler and less...
All About Golden Retriever Shedding: What to Expect
Golden retrievers are one of the most beloved dog breeds, especially among families, thanks to their sweet and eager disposition. These dogs are known for enthusiastically greeting you at the door, wagging their long tails, full of energy and ready to play. However,...
Common Health Issues That Can Impact French Bulldog Life Span
The French bulldog is a playful, smart and adaptable dog breed that's small in stature with a notable pushed-in or flat face. These small dogs come in many color variations and have large bat-like ears. Many people and families love the French bulldog because of the...
How to Spot Signs of Puppy Sickness: When to Seek Veterinary Care
Dogs can get sick just like humans. Unfortunately, your canine friend can't tell you when it's not feeling well. That's why it's important to keep a close eye on your puppy's health. Staying watchful will help you pick up on signs of illness so you can give your pet...
Setting Up a Portable Fence for Your Dog on Vacation
Who said vacations are just for humans? They're for our four-legged friends too! But what happens when you want to ensure your dog is safe and secure while you relax? Well, that's where setting up a portable fence for your dog on vacation comes into play. Let's dig...
10 Tips to Keeping Your Dog Cool in the Summer Heat
Your dog has an internal body temperature between 101 and 102.5 degrees. In hot weather, your dog's body temperature can rise high enough to result in hyperthermia. You probably know this condition better as heat stroke, and it can happen to dogs even faster than to...