The latest Halo App update allows you to switch your pet’s Fence or Beacon modes on or off instantly when connected via Bluetooth.
This means that activities like going for walks or running errands are about to be much easier!
When you want to take your pup for a walk or a drive, simply switch Fences to “Ignore” when you are about to leave, and their Halo will immediately register the change as long as it is connected to your phone via Bluetooth. Just make sure you activate the update with the instructions below!
Learn What’s New
Before, when you toggled your dog’s Fences or Beacons on or off on their Pet Card, the edit would be sent to your dog’s Halo Collar over the internet. Depending on your individual network connection and signal strength, it may have taken a few seconds or minutes for these changes to be synchronized fully.
With this new update, your Halo App can send Fence and Beacon toggle changes over Bluetooth while you are connected and in range. You won’t need to wait for a “synchronized” confirmation anymore. All pet mode changes will be sent directly to your Halo Collar, and the result will be immediately displayed on the Pet Card for you to see.
How To Activate It
To activate this feature, please ensure your app is up-to-date, and that your Halo Collars have firmware version 0.2.22 or later.
You can check if your collar is up-to-date by tapping Settings→Collars, and selecting an individual collar to expand its details. Then, you can easily check whether it says “up to date” at the bottom. If so, you’re all set! If you have an update waiting, please plug your Halo Collar in to charge while connected to WiFi, and the update will begin automatically.
Let us know how you enjoy this new feature update!
The Halo Team